Which Social Platform Should your Business be on?


As a brand or a business, do you need to be on every single platform in order to succeed? 

The answer to that is NO of course not!

With so many platforms to be present on and different types of content to create for each, it can get a little overwhelming at times, can’t it? What if I was to tell you that you don’t have to be on every single platform to be successful on social media?

How do you choose a social channel for your business?

From Facebook to LinkedIn to TikTok to Instagram to Twitter, all of these social media channels have their purpose and benefits, but you don’t need to be shouting there if your audience isn’t actively engaging there. 

Of course, it would be amazing if you had an incredible representation on every platform, but it can be rather tricky when you are dealing with smaller budget’s. The best way to get value from your social media presence is to be really selective with the platforms that you choose to operate on, this way you can talk to existing customers, as well as potential ones and get your products or services seen.

It's time to mix up your marketing strategy and focus your digital marketing efforts into selected marketing channels.

Ask yourself, where does your audience live?

The first thing we recommend is to find out where your audience predominantly hangs out and socialises? Are they predominantly checking out informative and interactive content on Facebook or Linkedin? Or do they prefer quick content and are scrolling on TikTok and Instagram? 


  • First, you need to determine a hierarchy of platforms based on where your audience play and prefer to socialise

  • Then decide how and when you will start to publish on those platforms  

By implementing marketing tactics such as this into your marketing plans, you'll be able to create digital media that will support your customer's journey and buying decisions.

What is native content and why do you need to create it?

Once you’ve got your list of preferred platform choices, it’s time to look at what creative content you can come up with in order to best communicate, share information and serve your customers on those platforms. 

Bear in mind that the content you publish is required to be native to the platform. If you’re publishing content that was made for Facebook onto TikTok, you won’t get the same engagement and the user experience is not going to be very good because the format and style of content aren’t suitable on that platform for that audience.

If you’ve got a really small budget and not enough time, I’d really recommend for you to double down and focus on just ONE platform and create content that really does bring value to your audience on a platform where they will be listening and actively engaging with you.

Let's connect

Still not sure which platform is going to be most effective for you and your business? Drop me an email at Mary-anne@firebellymedia.co.uk and I can send you some more information on how to select the right platform for your business and how it can increase your brand awareness and in the long term impact your visibility on search engine results pages.

Remember, you don’t need to be on every single platform to see results, focus on your hierarchy of platforms and generate native content. 

BIG love,

Mary-Anne x

p.s if you would like to check out more content marketing tricks that I’ve been sharing on TikTok, you can view ALL of my videos here.

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Which Social Platform should I be on?