How Can you Find your Voice on Social Media?


Finding your voice on social media isn’t something that happens overnight, it takes time, consistency and effort to find your audience and talk to them in a way that not only resonates but also makes sense in a place where they are actively listening. 

Often enough, the task of posting to social media can feel super overwhelming when you first start out, but if you get past this resistance and start posting, you will find your voice (and find people to listen!).

How do I start posting on social media?

If you are reading this, you might be trying to break down your own barriers to start posting on social media and finding your own voice. Recently I had a gentleman contact me and express concern that he couldn’t find his voice and didn’t really know where to begin when posting and publishing on social media and needed some help with his digital marketing plans.

I shared with him some advice on how to find his voice and how to become confident and consistent when posting on social media and I thought I’d share with you some of those tips:

First up...

Take a step back and understand where your audience lives online

Now I’m going to share with you a secret….

You do not need to be on every single channel all of the time when you are first starting out.

Attempting to be present and create brand awareness on all social platforms when you are just starting out and posting on social media for the first time as a business owner can be overwhelming. Save yourself the overwhelm and do some research on your audience and implement this into your marketing strategy and chosen marketing channels.

You need to ask yourself the question, where does your audience live (not literally but online!)? Do they live on LinkedIn or do they live predominantly on Facebook, Instagram or another channel?

Whichever platform your audience lives on is the one you need to be on. If your target audience isn’t hanging out on Twitter, then you don’t really need to be there, your time is valuable, use it efficiently!  Sharing information about your products or services on these channels to your existing customers and potential new customers can really impact your customer's journey and ultimately influence their buying decisions.

How do you best communicate? Its time to find your vertical!

To make the process of online marketing easier and more enjoyable for you across social media sites, it’s important to hone in on your skills and preferred method of communication.

  • Do you prefer to film videos?

  • Do you like to write long blog posts?

  • Do you prefer to record voice notes with ideas?

I know that I personally prefer videos to writing long paragraphs of text, but if you love to write, why not get all your ideas down on paper and get someone to break them down into smaller chunks or voice note your thoughts and get someone to transcribe it?

At Firebelly Media we use voice notes for many of our clients, when we’re looking after client profiles (CEO & founders) quite often they don’t have the time to manage their own, so we do it! 

The way that we get their valuable information out of their brain is via voice note through WhatsApp. Each morning they will send us a voice note of an idea, whether that’s a thought that came into their head or something that they wanted us to share or topic to jump on.

Once we have that information we will go and create or find the creative to go with that topic, put it with their voice note, they’ll approve it and then it gets published to their social channels. 

A voice note can be a great way of getting thoughts and ideas out of your head. Equally, you could get somebody to start transcribing those voice notes which could create your content.

It’s all about consistency…

The more you post on social media, the more you will become comfortable with doing it, the easier it gets and the less pressure you will feel and the better you will become at it. You’ll realise after a while, you’ll be able to come back to the posts that did well to recreate that success and do less of the ones that didn’t do quite so well. 

The only way you will get over that hurdle is by starting and just doing it. 

A little while ago, I made a promise to myself that I would start publishing on LinkedIn every single day because I’m absolutely hounding all of my clients to do the same! 

I set myself a promise and now I can’t break the chain which is a good way of keeping yourself accountable! To keep on track with my promise, I have a task in my Asana (which is my task management list and a great tool) which is my weekly promises and one of them is my daily LinkedIn posting. If I don’t tick that off every day I don’t feel satisfied.

It’s good to get into the habit of posting consistently if you are a founder, business owner or senior management you need to be doing this.

To find your voice you need to:

  • Find where your audience lives and start becoming present and posting on that platform

  • Utilise your preferred method of communication

  • Keep it consistent

I hope that inspires any founders or business owners out there that know they need to find their voice, to find a way of making it happen.

Let’s connect…

Still not sure how to find your voice or where to begin with your social media plans? Drop me an email and I can send you some more information on how to select the right platform for your business and how it can increase your brand awareness and in the long term impact your visibility on search engine results pages.

BIG love,

Mary-Anne. x


p.s if you would like to check out more content marketing tricks that I’ve been sharing on TikTok, you can view ALL of my videos here.

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How to Find Your Voice on Social Media