The Best Advice I’ve Been Given in my Career...


Have you ever been given advice during your career from a mentor or someone that inspires you and it’s stuck with you ever since?

I certainly have!

In business and in particular, when you have your own business, you really do learn something new every. single. day. With new clients comes new challenges and opportunities for growth and development, I am always open to receiving advice from those around me whose opinions and teachings I value.

Starting my day, my way...

If you’ve read the book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, you’ll know that having a morning ritual can help you fulfil your potential and transform your mindset daily. Often you’ll hear business owners sharing their morning daily routine and I thought it was about time I shared mine…

My morning routine looks a little like this:

  • Wake up at 5am

  • Journal

  • Yoga & meditation

  • Debrief with my coffee & my mind

I find that having this mindful morning routine gets me into the right headspace and set up for the day. During my ‘debrief’ I take the time to think about what I’ve got coming up that day or what’s coming up for the rest of the week, to really get into my mindset before I get to work. 

If I’ve got a new client pitch, that is my FAVOURITE thing, I love talking to new clients and seeing if there is a way that we can help them reach their goals. Consistently throughout my career as a business owner and when I worked in a corporate role, sales has always been the aspect I love the most.

The best advice I’ve been given...

When I reflect on my career, it always brings me back to my training with Joe Bennett, all of my training was from him and I was so fortunate to be in an environment of fast growth as well as consistent training and development whilst Juice was growing. I’ll never forget some of the things he taught me, from how to prepare for a pitch or ways to talk to new clients and one of the top tips he shared with me that has stuck with me forever is:

Nobody ever remembers what you said, but they ALWAYS remember how you made them feel. 

That’s something I always have on my mind whenever I’m presenting or pitching, I think that’s a really nice tip and it’s one I’ll take forward with me on my business and personal journey, I hope it’s something you’ll take away from reading this too and implement in your professional and personal life.

Have you ever had game-changing career advice?

I wanted to know, has anyone ever shared anything with you in your career that has been a penny drop or a standout moment that you always refer back to when you come to present a pitch or work on a particular area of your business? 

I’d love to know what tips you’ve had or even things you say to yourself to motivate and inspire you.

Want to share with me the best advice you’ve ever been given or your daily words of wisdom? I’d love to know! Drop me yours in the comments below or shoot me a DM on Instagram @maryanne.damarzo and let’s share good positive vibes!

If you are looking for some words of wisdom to inspire you RIGHT NOW, check out my project Hearty Notes by clicking here.

BIG love,

Mary-Anne. x

p.s if you would like to check out my daily marketing tips and tricks that I’ve been sharing on TikTok, you can view ALL of my videos here.

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The Best Advice I've Been Given in my Career