How to Get Your Business Found on Google


Are you a local based business? If you are, then keep reading as this blog is for you!

Have you heard of Google My Business? Google my business is essentially your placement on Google, how to get found on Google Maps and your ability to present your business to people who might be looking for your service in your area.

This is a massively underrated and underused feature of Google, so if you own a local business or any kind of business for that matter, you should be focusing on finding or creating your Google My Business profile. Often I get asked ‘How can I show up in Google Search’, keep reading to find out how to get your business found on the search engines results page.

What is Google My Business?

A Google My Business listing is how people find all of the information about your business including your google reviews, opening hours, business number, website and most importantly your location on the search results page.

Your listing is also how people discover you on Google Maps, so if they are on their phone and looking for something in the local area, for example, a local restaurant, a local coffee shop, that Google My Business page is going to be shown to them.

When your profile is shown, not only will they see all your useful business information and reviews but also your photos and posts. Did you know that you can also post to google my business? A post will last for 7 days and then expire, a really amazing tool to use as an additional social channel!

Why should I sign up for Google My Business?

Within Google My Business you have the ability to completely tailor the information that you give to your customers and potential customers. 

There are many reasons why it is important to sign up for your business

  1. SEO - this is vital to be found in search, and it really helps to cement you in the local area and get found by people looking for your service.

  2. You can give a great display of what you are offering so when somebody is looking for it in the area, they can find you easily.

How do I sign up for a business profile?

If you are a local business and you have not claimed your profile, please DO IT.  If you haven’t set it up, there might be a chance that it lives on google somewhere already because of your website or other directory enquiry information, but you need to go and find it and you need to claim it if you haven’t already. 

It’s really easy to see if you are on Google My Business, simply type into Google, ‘Google My Business’, and you’ll be able to see if you’ve got a login or not. You’ll tend to know if you have set it up, if you haven’t then head to the search bar and type in your business name, on the right-hand side you’ll see your business with reviews, info and your website.

Scroll down and click ‘claim my business’, what will then happen is that link will send you a code to the domain URL that’s linked to your website and then you can start to control what you post.

I feel hugely passionate about businesses using this amazing free SEO tool. It’s SO important and such a vital channel for you to start posting content to, to keep it updated and keep the information active for people wanting to visit your local shop, area or even just your website!

Do you need help claiming your business?

Still not sure how to get started with this amazing tool? Drop me an email and I can send you some more information on how to get seen online!

Make the most of this super-easy way to get found on search engines by your potential customers. This is a great way to improve your SEO on a small budget.  

BIG love,

Mary-Anne. x

p.s if you would like to check out my marketing tips and tricks that I’ve been sharing on TikTok, you can view ALL of my videos here

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