How to Organise your Website Content

Do you ever look at your competitor’s website or other businesses who have websites FULL of content and wonder where they get it from and how they come up with these ideas?

Let’s just say the majority of these ideas would have been thought out and most likely didn’t happen by accident! 

So how do brands and businesses decide what to post? 

They use, content pillars & clusters!

Let me explain a little more about them and how you can use them too!

What is a Content Pillar?

Your pillars are the key areas of your business, whether you are a product or service-based business. To define your pillars, ask yourself: What do you do? What do you offer? How do you help? What problem do you solve? 

Your pillar content is covered broadly on your website, and the in-depth information comes from your linked cluster content. 

What is a Cluster?

A cluster is where you get REALLY specific about one of your core areas and cover that area in depth. For example, if you are a nutritionist and one of your key areas are smoothies, your clusters would be: smoothies for detoxing, smoothies to boost energy, easy to make smoothies or smoothies for vegans. 

Your cluster pages for the pillar provides more detail about the main topic but always links back to it; you can get smart with your keywords here too! 

Why should you use Content Pillars & Clusters?

There are some huge benefits of using the organisation method of pillars and clusters for your website’s content. 

Firstly, SEO! Having relevant content that links to each other shows Google that your pages are relevant to each other.

Secondly, you’ll provide your audience, and potential customers with a wealth of information that they need that may influence their purchasing decision. 

For example…

If you were a car cleaner and offered a varied range of services, including interior and exterior valet, soft-top roof cleaning, stain removal and alloy cleans. Your pillars are your services, your clusters would be getting specific about one of those subjects, for example, ‘how to clean a soft-top roof’, ‘how to remove stains from your soft top’, ‘what tools do you need to clean a soft top’. 

Increase your Page Relevance (and make Google LOVE you)

Within your cluster content, you’ll be covering your topics in-depth and naturally will be linking to the other cluster and pillar posts. Internal linking is something you absolutely should be doing! 

Whether it’s internal or external, a link on your website is a sign of relevance to Google! It is essentially telling Google that a link exists between the pages on your site. When Google crawls your site, it will understand the relationship between the pages on your site and establish relevance.

Google ranks you based on many factors but organising your content through pillars and clusters will help Google rank you based on relevance and page authority, ultimately impacting your SEO. If you are new to SEO, I’ve written a complete guide here about using SEO for business with plenty of valuable tips you can use! (By the way, this is an example of linking to other relevant pages!).

Improve your Customer’s Online Experience 

Content that is linked and relevant to your target audience is great for a users journey on your site. If they can easily find their way to your other relevant posts, it takes them on a journey through your site (and introduces them to your brand) and ultimately, may result in that particular reader enquiring to work with you or to purchase a product! 

Don’t forget to include call to actions in your posts!

Solve Problems with your Content

When you create your cluster content, one method is to break down all of your commonly asked questions and your customer’s problems into simple blog pieces. 

By providing answers and solving a problem, your audience will see you as an authority, and this is your opportunity to show off your knowledge in your field and establish trust. If you can get your personality across in your content, this is another way to get your audience to know and like you! 

How many times have you gone to Google to ask a question or asked Siri a question? I imagine it’s at least daily? If you can tune in to your customer’s pain points, problems and questions surrounding your product or service, this is a great way to get found on Google. Be clear with your page titles and descriptions to make them click-worthy to gain that organic traffic.  Voice search increases each day, so say your title out loud to ensure it flows and mirrors what a user would search. 

You can use some great tools to understand your ideal customer’s problems; I love Answer The Public and Uber Suggest. Don’t forget about good old fashioned market research, too and simply ASK your customers what their pain points are or start to note down common questions you get asked. 

Time to Create Content!

I hope that you’ve found these tips helpful and will take some time to organise your content on your website

If you’ve made it this far, I’ve written another blog post about getting found on Google that I think you’ll find interesting; you can read more here

Remember, niche down on your pillars, create smaller clusters and solve problems in each area where your business or product can help. 

BIG love,

Mary-Anne. x

p.s if you would like to check out more SEO tricks that I’ve been sharing on TikTok, you can view ALL of my videos here.

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