Your Follower Count Doesn’t Define You!

I often have content ideas pop up when I’m having conversations with clients because they ask such great questions and we have a great discussion around topics that are SO interesting. I thought it would be great to share some insights on those conversations as I would assume that there will be many others that are also intrigued by the same topics! 

This is something that all accounts are worried about…

You guessed it, the number of followers. 

Quality vs Quantity

I was recently talking with a client about the number of followers vs the quality, I think so many businesses and brands get caught up in the need to be at the 10k, 20k, 30k mark that they actually forget and completely neglect the audience that they have already built.

What we see happening all the time is there are brands that have built up their audience over time, and just kept building and building because they are more obsessed with getting the follower count up that actually it’s not helping because people are just dropping off the bottom end! Why are people unfollowing or not interested? Because they don’t get anything back, it’s not a very nurtured audience.

Don’t neglect your community

Community management is one of the things that is SO neglected with a lot of accounts and its really important that you have a community management plan.

Community management means responding to comments, direct messages, engaging people in conversation and really nurturing that audience. 

An audience of 500 that are really nurtured is so much more valuable than an audience of 20k that you don’t care about! 

What can you do now?

As a brand or a business, have a look at what you are doing with your community management side and ask yourself these questions.

  • Do you reply to comments? 

  • Do you comment on tagged posts?

  • Do you respond to messages?

  • Do you respond when someone has tagged you in a story?

  • Do you actively use interactive engagement tools?

  • Are you having conversations with your audience? 

You might blame the fact that you don’t have a big audience for the reason you are not growing but, I’d be willing to bet it is actually because you are not nurturing your audience.

An account that has 1,000 really nurtured followers is going to do so much more than an account that has 16k 17k, of unnurtured followers.

Remember what the amount of followers actually means, it’s easy to forget!

1 follower is a person! 

That single person could go and talk to 10 other people about how amazing your brand or business is! Yet we all see one follower as insignificant, if you had 10 people in front of you listening to you explaining your brand or business, it might feel a little scary! Remember that when you think about your follower count.

Don’t get caught up by the numbers

It’s not always about striving for quantity, it’s about how much quality is in your audience! 

If your audience isn’t a quality audience, I’d ask yourself, ‘are you good at community management’ and ‘are you nurturing the audience that you do have?’.

I REALLY hope this blog post has helped you to understand the importance of nurturing your audience and how quality over quantity is better any day!

Remember, the number of followers you have does not determine who you are as a brand or business. 


BIG love,

Mary-Anne. x


p.s if you would like to check out more marketing tricks that I’ve been sharing on TikTok, you can view ALL of my videos here.

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