Why You Should Devote Your Life to Become Happier

Human happiness is essential.

What if you woke up tomorrow and did everything in your power to make yourself a happier person? Instead of doing things because you have too, you do them because you want too. How much would your state of mind change? I think it would be the most incredible thing to do.

It's difficult to change your whole mindset. You’re correcting a habit which takes effort, but it’s completely worth doing. An increase in your personal happiness will therefore increase your mental health and give you a more meaningful life.

It seems an obvious concept yet, mostly, it isn’t followed

If you are reading this, it may be because you want to change your mindset, your lifestyle and life satisfaction, but aren't completely sure where to start. It’s ingrained in us to be focused on the next thing and to keep building and creating. Most of the time we focus on the things that will make us rich, or successful and don’t even consider happiness, yet;

Happiness is probably the most important part of the whole process. 

It’s crucial that whatever we are building or creating makes us happy, or else we’ll never feel fulfilled. 

Happiness has a ripple affect

If you devoted your entire life to make yourself feel happy... imagine how that would ripple out to the people around you.

So let’s say every morning you go get a coffee and you say ‘good morning’ to the lady that works at the coffee shop. But you really mean what you are saying. It IS a GOOD morning, and that lady will feel your positive energy. You are radiating positivity and happiness, which therefore leads to the ripple effect. 

You’re walking down the street and a man drops his keys. Instead of staying in your bubble and walking on, you stop and help him pick them up, you make eye contact and…

...All these little life moments can lead to your happier legacy 

I am a massive fan of the film ‘sliding doors’. If you haven’t seen it, it’s about how life is full of these tiny little moments that could all have different endings depending on the timing on that specific day, which couldn’t be more true. The ending of specific little moments in life is influenced by your level of happiness.


Happiness is not selfish, it’s selfless

There’s a stigma in society that making yourself happy is selfish because you are putting yourself first. My opinion is that putting yourself first and therefore prioritising your happiness is probably one of the most selfless things you could do.

When you are happy and fulfilled, you do things to make the people around you feel happy...right? Like helping a man on the street with his keys, or saying good morning to the woman that makes your coffee...leaving your bubble. 

You have more impact than you know…

If you are walking down a busy street in London and you smile at a stranger. You don’t know whether that tiny act might have just helped him through one of the toughest days of his life. It’s important to treat people with kindness because a smile could go along way. 

So, my little message today is not about marketing, it’s not about social media, it's about happiness. If you are going to do anything today, focus on yourself and what makes you happy. Not only will you be growing, but the ripple effect may be huge for the people around you. 

Practice positivity and see how your life changes for the better.

I really hope this helps you.

Our mindset and wellbeing at the moment are more important than ever. I hope you can take from this blog just one little thing to help you become happy. For more daily doses of happiness, positivity and of course marketing chat, feel free to follow me on Instagram @maryannedamarzo!

BIG love, 

Mary-Anne x  

PS Check out my #heartynotes on my Instagram @maryannedamarzo for a dose of positivity.

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