Mary-Anne Da'Marzo

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The Impact of the Apple Update for Marketers...

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You may remember that I posted about the upcoming Apple update not too long ago and the effect it was going to have on Marketers and data.

Well. It’s here. (Marketers have been dreading this!)

In this blog, I’ll share with you an update on everything that is going on for marketers and how this will affect data and advertising on Facebook!

If your Facebook conversions have dropped, this may be why!

What is the new iOS update?

The latest iOS update is now available for iPhone users to download now. It comes with some BIG changes in how your data is handled, a hot topic ever since GDPR was introduced, and a critical element in marketing that you need to be aware of. 

In principle, the changes to data privacy seem great on the surface because you have a right to know who is tracking you, right?       

This new update is specifically designed to target data privacy, honing in on the Facebook group of apps, including Instagram and WhatsApp, to let users know that their data is being tracked and gives them the opportunity to opt-out.

What is ‘Ad Tracking Transparency’?

Ad Tracking Transparency (ATT) is a setting within the new update that requires applications to ask for the user’s consent to track their online activity across apps and websites while using their phone. 

Once users have updated their phone to the new operating system, they will need to accept or deny an app tracking their online movements, including app usage and website visits. 

Apple brought in this update to protect users and their data as there were concerns for users being tracked without their consent and data being sold. 

How will the iOS update impact marketing?

If a user declines the ATT, the application won’t track that user’s digital movements. When you get the prompt from the app, you are essentially giving that app access to your unique user ID, which is then used to track you.

When this was announced in summer 2020, the advertising industry kicked off, understandably, as this is the most significant change to seriously impact online advertising results and revenue. There was so much controversy about this that Apple delayed the new update by six months! 

The iOS update affects how your data will be used. Facebook uses this data to segment audiences and uses your data about your online browsing activity to target you with relevant ads. 

If you’ve ever visited a website and then seen an ad for the brand, this is retargeting. 

What can you do now?

Firstly, don’t panic! This is affecting every single marketer and business that uses Facebook ads. We all will see the impact of this update, so you are not alone! 

One thing to remember is that when a new update comes out, it could take users up to a year to update! I know that I’m hesitant to update when a new iOS comes out because of the implications it may have on my phone, so there will be a delay in the impact. 

If you want to know a little more about the specific details of the update, check out my previous blog here

Also, remember that not everyone has an iPhone. It was reported that 59.4% of smartphone users in the UK are using an android device compared to 40.4% using an iPhone

There is an excellent help blog written by Facebook that has specific technical details about the update and the effect on advertising on Facebook. 

The future of advertising on social media

Not being able to target potential customers with personalised ads based on their activity across other websites and apps will impact advertising results. Purely because you don’t have access to that personal data, browsing history and your super personalised segments will not be how they used to be.

I would recommend making sure you are mixing it up and using advertising to get you conversions. If your goal is lead generation, make sure your page has a clear CTA with slick forms that are simple for the user to navigate and enter their details. 

I’d also recommend utilising your Google Analytics; it has been suggested to use Facebook & Google Analytics to pull together your data, but really, protect yourself by having complementary campaigns. For example, run an SEO campaign, alongside a PPC, alongside your Facebook Ads campaign for full coverage. 

At the moment, Facebook doesn’t seem to have a clue what’s going on. So if they have no idea, then it’s okay that you don’t either! 

More changes that the latest update is bringing

Mask recognition (sort of)

It’s always awkward when you use Apple Pay on your phone in a shop, but Face ID gets in the way, isn’t it? 

Now, users who have an Apple Watch and an iPhone can unlock their phone with their watch.

From Apple: “With Apple Watch on the wrist, unlocked, and in close proximity to iPhone, users can simply glance at their iPhone and they will receive haptic feedback from Apple Watch, indicating their iPhone has been unlocked”.

New emojis

YES, finally, they have updated their ‘couple’ emojis to include a range of skin tones & genders. A few other emojis are being added to the list, including a healing heart, a face with spiral eyes, and an exhaling emoji.

Goodbye to the generic Siri

There is no longer a generic voice for Siri; you now can choose your preferred Siri voice. 

Introducing... Air Tags

You know about Find My Phone, well now losing your keys and wallet is a thing of the past with air tags. They are discs that can be attached to anything and then tracked using the app. 

Need some help with your Facebook Ads?

We can help! If you need some help with your advertising across social media, please reach out, and we can help you. Drop me an email, and I can send you some more information on how we can help.

Remember, this update is happening to EVERYONE. We are all in the same boat, and even Facebook doesn’t know what to expect.

The best advice I can give you is to stay informed, keep up to date with the changes, and prepare to make some changes. You will see a drop in your conversions because of this change. 


p.s if you would like to check out more marketing tricks that I’ve been sharing on TikTok, you can view ALL of my videos here.

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