Mary-Anne Da'Marzo

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How to Target your Audience with Ads on Facebook and Instagram

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It’s time to get really specific with your advertising by starting to create audiences and finding potential customers by advertising your products or services on Facebook and Instagram. 

Typically when you think of advertising or media buying, quite often you think about the top of the top, such as Billboard advertising in Piccadilly Circus or an AD on TV, now obviously not everyone has the budget for that! 

Did you know you can get really specific and advertise to your potential customers on social media, a place where your audience is hanging out every single day and often 24/7 and make them stop scrolling and start spending? If you’ve ever wondered why when you’ve been searching for a particular item why you then see ads EVERYWHERE for that item, then read on as I’ll be sharing how you can do this too!

How to target your customers and potential customers on social media

Facebook and Instagram give you this incredible ability to be hyper-targeted to your particular clientele through the using of ads. These ads all run through the Facebook Ads management system because Facebook owns both platforms, this system is super to easy to use once you know how!

When you are marketing with Facebook or Instagram you can target your potential audience in a number of ways including: 

  • People that have been on your website, visited particular pages and maybe abandoned their shopping cart

  • A specific demographic of customer including their age, gender and location

  • Based on your audiences interests and other brands they interact with

How to advertise to customers that have visited your website

If you have a pixel embedded on your website, which is a bit of code that gives you the ability to target adverts to people that have visited pages of your site, maybe gone to check out but not initiated checkout and all the different various events that happen on your website, you can then retarget advertising to those people. 

For instance, recently I’ve been looking at buying a sofa (I’m moving house soon!) and I went on to a sofa website and was browsing at different sofas, and all of a sudden my Facebook and Instagram ads were all for sofas! As a digital marketer, it’s gotten to the point where I kind of like it because it’s relevant to my interests, so I clicked on an ad and found a sofa that I absolutely love, and THAT is social media marketing is at it’s very best!

How to advertise to a certain demographic of potential customers

You can also do specific demographic targeting which focusses on details such as age, gender, and location. You can even target up to a certain radius of where your business is based which is really useful if you are a local based business or service provider and you are trying to advertise to people in the local area to either get them to come in and support your shop or let them know you are there.

How to advertise on social media based on interests

You can get really specific with interest-based targeting. For example, you could get really specific with your ideal client avatar and say: 

‘I want to only speak to people who are really familiar with this brand, really like shopping here, and also have a dog’ 

Depending on what kind of audience you are looking to attract will determine how you set up your Facebook advertising and targeting. This level of targeting means you can get a really low return on ad spend because if you are being really specific about the person that you are trying to contact then that price per click (PPC) is going to drop.

Targetted advertising in the middle of a pandemic… Does it work?

To give a real-world example, one of our clients who is an Australian based travel business, found that the borders had suddenly opened up to allow Australians and New Zealanders to travel within their own countries. 

Instead of targeting their usual customers which are typically in the UK, we set out to target people who were based in New Zealand or Australia and were looking to travel in the next 30 days with a campervan rental. We focused on this targetted audience of people that were interested in travel and budget travel via campervan.

Over the course of a few weeks, we’ve increased the leads into their business by 200% just through being really selective with our targeting option. Of course, ad creative and visuals come into but you can get amazing results using Facebook and Instagram ads if you know how to do it properly.

If you are going to invest in Ads, invest in someone who knows what they are doing...

If you have someone setting up your Facebook and Instagram ads and they’re not sure about all these different types of targeting, I’d suggest that perhaps you do some research yourself and tell them exactly what you want them to set up for you. OR find an agency that is aware of all of the interest targeting options that are available to you and they will be able to talk through with you a strategy that will be able to work for you and your business.

Ready to get specific with your advertising on social media?

Ready to get started with digital advertising on social media as part of your marketing plan and digital marketing strategy but have NO idea where to start? Drop me an email and I can let you know how we can help you to achieve some amazing results with specific targeting on Facebook and Instagram. 

Remember, to see results you need to invest to ad spend on Facebook and Instagram, it’s always worth using an agency or someone who specializes in advertising to get the most out of your ad spend!

BIG love,

Mary-Anne. x


p.s if you would like to check out some of my marketing tips & tricks that I’ve been sharing on TikTok, you can view ALL of my videos here.

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