Mary-Anne Da'Marzo

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How To Improve Your SEO

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If SEO completely overwhelms you, start small and learn small steps to optimising your website for search engines! 

With any topic within the Digital Marketing sphere, if you try and learn everything at once or dive straight into the deep end of the advanced topics, you will likely get overwhelmed and possibly put your head in the sand. 

SEO can be simple but also can be advanced depending on the stage of your business.

If you’re not sure exactly what SEO is or what it involves, click here to read my complete guide on SEO for business owners

Whether you have just launched your website or are a blogger that wants to expand their search engines’ reach and visibility, these five simple steps will help you on your way to search engine optimisation success! 

Let’s break down these simple steps that you can do today! 

Grab Attention With Your Title

Your title will have the most significant impact on whether you answer your audience’s question and if your website will provide them with what they are looking for. These titles need to be written for users, and with the search engines in mind, it needs to be readable for all! 

Your title and meta description should complement each other, with the meta description used to back up your title and share a preview of what will be covered on your page to draw people in. 

  • Put keywords in your title

  • State a question or benefit

  • Keep it short (less than 60 characters)

  • Make it relevant to your page/post

  • Avoid duplicate headings

Use Headings In Your Text

Use the header tags to tell Google what information your page contains, break up the page into headings and subheadings that state commonly asked questions and use your keywords. 

Be cautious of mistaking changing the formatting to adding a header; you’ll need to select the heading drop-down to tag it as a header. When you click through to HTML, you’ll see that these are tagged with <h2> </h2>

Within the back end of your website, you have the ability to format these headings to a particular size, font and colour. This formatting is great for consistency across all pages and blogs. 

Update Meta Description’s

This will be shown on Google! The meta description is the page description that will show up on the search results page; you should make sure that your description is relevant to the page and no longer than 300 characters in length.

Within this description, this is your opportunity to influence clicks to your website, make your description click-worthy and detail what someone will gain by clicking through to your page or blog. Give a taste of what the blog or page is about and leave them wanting to read more! 

Check Your URL’s

A specific URL is essential, and don’t forget to put keywords in your URL. You have the option to edit your URL in the settings of your page or blog, often, it will default to the title of your blog (which should be SEO friendly too!). 

There are ways you can ensure your URL’s are clean, including:

  • Avoid using numbers or dates

  • Use hyphens instead of spaces

  • Keep all text in lowercase

  • Don’t use special characters (!,?,”, etc.) 

  • Make it readable 

Add Alt text To Images

Your website should be accessible to all; there is a setting in the back end of your page or blog in which you can describe in text what is in an image; this is beneficial for those who are visually impaired and use screen readers. 

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your SEO

As a standard practice, I’d recommend that each time you upload a new blog or create a new page on your website, that you do these steps! 

  • Grab attention with an eye-catching title with keywords

  • Use meta descriptions to entice visitors to your site

  • Refresh your URL’s and ensure they are clean with keywords

  • Use headings in your text to emphasise a point and show areas of interest

  • Add alt text to your images (you can do this on social media too!)

If you do these steps when uploading or creating a new page, you’ll form a good habit and won’t forget it! These small features could play a significant role in getting your website on the search engines results page (SERP).

I hope this quick SEO audit has helped you to pick up on a few tips to improve your SEO. I’ve written a complete guide on SEO here, full of plenty of information and an overview of what is SEO. 

Remember, start small and take gradual steps to learn all about SEO; you can get started by making these simple tweaks to your web pages.


BIG love,

Mary-Anne. x

p.s if you would like to check out more SEO tricks that I’ve been sharing on TikTok, you can view ALL of my videos here.

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