Mary-Anne Da'Marzo

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How to Create Content that Benefits your Audience

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Recently, I was on a client call and we were having a conversation about content creation and how they would bring their brand story to life and what kind of content they can create on social media to really speak to their target audience and engage with their followers.

How to create content for your target audience?

Do you ever feel like your mind goes blank when you try to think of amazing content ideas to post on your social media channels to promote your products or services to your target market? 

You are not alone! I have so many of you asking me that exact question: ‘How do I create content for my audience?’

I’m going to share with you the exact steps that I use with my clients to create great content that not only addresses their audience’s wants, needs & pain points but also highlights them as the expert in their field across social media platforms.

I use a method that’s REALLY simple but not many people use, I find it a really good way to generate new content concepts & ideas for your audience that they will be able to resonate with and relate to because that’s our goal here isn’t it!

I’d like to introduce you to a method I call, the ‘Before & After Affect’

Let’s get practical…

What I want you to do right now, is to get a pen and a piece of paper or open up a Google Doc and create two columns. 

Title the first column ‘Before’ and the second column ‘After’. (See where I’m going with this?)

Now you have your columns ready, down the left-hand side add the following: 

  • Have

  • Feel

  • Standard day

  • Status

Let’s dive into those a little more shall we? 

I want you really to think about the before and after affect your product or service has on your target audience. 

These prompts below will help you to think about exactly what types of content your audience will benefit from and generate ideas for potential amazing pieces of content you can create. 

Have - What do they have before they speak to you, work with you or buy from you? What do they have after? What have they gained from your product or service?

Feel - How do they feel before they speak to you or buy from you? How do they feel after?

Standard Day - What does a typical day look like for them before having what you’re delivering? What does the typical day look like for them afterwards?

Status - Is there a status change? Does their status change because of what they had before and what they have now?

You can do this exercise with products or services, basically anything that you’re selling or providing to your target audience!

What questions will you answer?

It’s a really quick, simple exercise to immediately or very quickly understand what is the benefit of what your delivering and what affect you have on your audience. If you complete the above exercise you will have the answers to these questions:

What do people have before they speak to you or buy from you?

How do they feel about it? 

What does a typical day look like? 

Does it change their status? 

What is their status before and afterwards? 

How do they change as a person after buying your product or after having your service? 

Answer those questions and you’ll be on a fast track to writing some amazing social media content that’s going to really hit home with your target audience!

Ready to target your audience with quality content?

I hope you’ve found this exercise useful when creating content. Still not sure where to start with creating content that resonates with your audience? Drop me an email and I can send you some more information on how we can help you create amazing targetted content. 

Get on a personal level and address exactly how they feel through clever content. 

BIG love,



p.s if you would like to check out more marketing tricks that I’ve been sharing on TikTok, you can view ALL of my videos here.

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