Mary-Anne Da'Marzo

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How to Create 3 Months Worth of Content in One Day

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One of the biggest challenges for brands and businesses is producing content to post on their social media channels.

Producing content is one of the things about social media marketing that people struggle with the most! It’s a struggle to keep it up, create new ideas and find time in the day to take the photo or videos, design the graphic, write the caption and upload to the various different channels!

This is something that we have really honed into at Firebelly and we have come up with a way to help businesses with this very problem, maybe we could help you too!

Where do you find the time to create social media content when you run a business?

Obviously, when you are running a business, the day to day management alone is intense, you know your marketing is essential but you just can’t afford to have teams running off left right and centre creating bits of content for your business. 

If only there was a time-efficient and productive way to create great content that wouldn’t impact the day to day responsibilities of your team, wouldn’t that be nice?

We have a solution for you!

What if, once every couple of months, you had, what we like to call:

A content day!

This is a day where you get your relevant team together with the right creatives (think photographer & marketing etc) and create amazing content for your product or services.

Within this content creation day, we produce as many assets as we possibly need from you and your team in terms of photos, videos, quotes, words of wisdom & anything else that is needed that fit’s into the content marketing strategy that we’ve come up for you.

We know trading hours are precious during these times, so for some businesses, we’ve actually done this at the weekend or out of hours, to allow for valuable time spent within the business to not be disturbed.

What happens next?

After that amazing content filled day, we go away, we edit all of the content, we repurpose it for all of your relevant social media channels. Then we create engaging captions to go with it, then republish it across many platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and beyond over the following months. 

This is an amazing way of getting your brand message out consistently, in a way that’s visually, really really strong with cohesive aesthetics across all channels. 

By working in this way, you don’t lose the quality or consistency of visuals because you have one day of focussed time and you don’t lose the attention from your teams day to day responsibilities if we’re requesting random bits of content here and there!

Let’s do this...

A content day is something that will really help your business to stand out on social media and not only enable you to provide the content for today, but also for tomorrow!

If you would like to get in touch about arranging a content day or strategy creation around your social media marketing or content marketing, we would love to hear from you! 

Send me an email and I’ll be more than happy to send you some more information on how the Fire Belly team can help you.

Remember, content doesn’t have to be overwhelming, create your content in batches and work with an expert team who can help!

BIG love,

Mary-Anne. x


p.s if you would like to check out more content marketing tricks that I’ve been sharing on TikTok, you can view ALL of my videos here.

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